Friday, July 31, 2020

Celebrating ‘The Feast’ in the Age of COVID 19

 The 31st of July 2020, for most Muslims will be celebration of the Feast (or Eid ul Adha) symbolizing the culmination of the pilgrimage by Muslims to Mecca (the Hajj one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam). These few days of light and love are supposed to characterise meditation, reflection, symbolize meditation, a return to the Creator and prayers. Prayers for peace, for happiness, for justice. The Hajj serves as a symbol of unity in diversity as Malcolm X wrote “…we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood…. I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colours together, irrespective of their colour”.

It is about understanding the purpose of life’s journey.

how much will we be able to sacrifice?

getting out of the ideological box and isolationist cultural ghetto

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