Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tsunami 10 - A Missed Opportunity for Sri Lanka

Hypocrates once said that "healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity". Thus in tragedy there should be an opportunity to heal. In an ideal world a ten year reflection on the tsunami in Sri Lanka would wax lyrical about the developments of the country. Much would be written as to how the doors that were opened between faith and ethnic communities in the first few days after the tsunami would become opportunities to forge peace in a conflict affected land.
However like in many things in life, the aspirational is far removed from the functional. It is now 10 years since that fateful day of the 26th of December 2004 when the lives of many would be turned upside down forever by the Asian Tsunami. Sri Lanka was the second country next to Aceh in Indonesia to be severely destroyed by the tsunami and like Indonesia was in the midst of a floundering peace process. In the lead up to the 10 year anniversary there is much to reflect on. What worked; what didn't work; where could we have done better?
In the initial stages of the tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction, Sri Lanka was well ahead of the game. Somehow though a mere 18 months later, the post tsunami reconstruction would grind to a halt as the machinery for conflict started to be ramped up which would end with the much publicised end of the conflict in 2009, whilst in Aceh, a peace process would ensure some political and security stability in a post tsunami reconstruction era.
In 2005, Bill Clinton coined the phrase 'Build Back Better' to describe what should happen in the aftermath of the tsunami. The tsunami was a turning point for Sri Lanka in terms of how it looked at itself and the rest of the world. However ten years on, the aftermath is perhaps not as rosy as we think it is. Despite the tremendous amounts of money that was generated for the victims, it is still disheartening to hear of tsunami survivors who ten years on are still waiting for help. In cases where entire villages were built by well-meaning NGOs, many of these have either been abandoned at worst or been neglected by local councils. There has to be greater local ownership and consultation so that $1000 apartments are not built for people accustomed to living in $20 tin shacks (only for the recipients to sell the apartments to property developers). There also has to be greater sensitivity to local contexts such that income streams are not inflated by NGOs providing jobs for the locals causing further problems later on, such as people being virtually unemployable because of the high salaries commanded, when the NGOs left. These are indeed pointers that the international humanitarian system has to think about. In the run up to the World Humanitarian Summit, it would do well to really commission a study of what worked and didn't work in terms of humanitarian work vis-à-vis the financing.
10 years on in Sri Lanka, we are once again gripped in a political upheaval in the middle of a presidential election that no one wants, facing an uncertain future that no one will dare speculate about. This is in spite of the end of the conflict in 2009 and numerous development achievements, all which took place despite the tsunami. Thus what should be a very sombre pause for reflection about the greatest natural disaster to strike Sri Lanka, has been relegated to the side lines of election campaigns and rhetoric in the midst of flooding caused by rains. Though there will be prayers held in various faith institutions around the country, along with safety drills, the value of really honouring those who perished (and subsequently survived) will not take place nor will some of the more truer lessons of the tsunami for Sri Lanka be understood or argued. This is sad because at this moment of time, what is needed is for Sri Lanka to rediscover that spirit and ethos that guided the initial post tsunami response as it still grapples with the post conflict transition amidst serious questions being asked about its governance and political future.
That spirit and ethos is represented by the outpouring of grief and support for the victims and survivors of the tsunami in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami before the government and international institutions started their response. For a brief moment, people forgot the divisions that separated them and concentrated more on what could unite them. For a brief period, regardless of what faith and ethnicity you were, what mattered most was that you were Sri Lankan. The post tsunami response before responsibility was abrogated to the government and the international community represents the single most opportune moment that Sri Lankans (of all ethnicities and faith) came together to help one another in the rebuilding. This for me represents the single most vital lesson of the tsunami. We were shown the value and vulnerability of life. Yet the tragedy of this lesson, is that we quickly forgot this and did not capitalise on it. We did not build the relationships that we once cultivated in those dark times, nor did we go out of the way to forge new ones. As quickly as we responded, we retreated into our silos. Consequently Sri Lankans remain as polarised as ever and in a post conflict setting with a new focus for peace, the minorities in particular feel disenfranchised and disempowered.
Whilst many will blame the political context and will of the day (which of course has a lot to answer for in setting the context), we can not shirk away from our personal responsibilities in allowing the state of affairs to arrive to the crunch that they are in Sri Lanka. Our personal relationships with and between different communities has much to say for how we value life as taught to us by the tsunami.
10 years on, there is a missed opportunity to reflect on from the tsunami which is the missed opportunity for people to build relationships with each other that could transcend political and religious biases. If anything, the election serves as an unwarranted distraction and the tsunami commemoration is relegated to a bystander at worst, unwilling participant in a race to gather votes.
10 years on, we should be reflecting on how we can once again build the relationships. This is vital for the country to move forward otherwise those that lost their lives in that terrible natural disaster and since then, would have lost it in vain

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rethnking International Development

As we near the 10 year anniversary of the tsunami, it is worth taking the time to reflect not only on what worked well but what has not worked well.  Over the last decade with the frequency of natural and manmade disasters increasing, the amount of money that has been fundraised and made available for organisations to respond has increased putting increased pressure for it to be spent effectively and efficiently.  The tsunami of 2004 was in fact the tipping point in terms of the money raised & spent (plus wasted) with the current Syrian crisis coming a quick second.

For a while many agencies that have been campaigning for greater transparency and accountability within the sector.  Calls for greater transparency have come in the wake of huge funding cycles being made available to agencies after the 2004 tsunami where agencies struggled to properly and efficiently utilise donated funds.  In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, it is still evident that many of the lessons that have been learnt from the South Asian tsunami and the Pakistan earthquake have not been taken on board.

However in scrutinising funds and fund allocations,  it shouldn’t constrain operations.  Additional levels of bureaucracy than already exists should not be brought.  Aid agencies already have enough hoops that they have to jump through in order to satisfy donor requirements and justifying the admin costs that are necessary.  This does mean that some of the smaller agencies who are doing great work on the ground miss out because they are unable ‘to meet such requirements’.

Thus a rethink of international humanitarian response and development should include methods of transparently accounting for funding.  It should also distinguish between emergency relief and long term aid.  Herein lies one of the fundamental problems with the current debate and dialogue on aid.  Long term aid and development is more needed and necessary but offers less tangible and visual results.  More importantly it survives the life cycle of standing governments.  Hence many governments are reluctant to follow up on verbal promises of aid packages. 

Witness the calls on G20 spending  by Oxfam, a call that is rapidly being repeated every couple of years when the G20 does meet, but which does not proceed farther than the rhetoric.  It seems that governments are just reluctant to move further on this or are content to regurgitate old rhetoric.

This in my mind is a problem.  The complacency of the government with regards this subject betrays not only the priority of international development and humanitarian assistance but also the importance of the work.

As we discuss a greater system of transparency and accountability, we should also measure not only efficiency but effectiveness.  More importantly, this discussion and dialogue needs to be set in place to change the paradigm of thinking on the issue as well as what is needed to change it.  The challenges of the globalised world along with climate change cannot and should not be addressed just from the west, but has to be done in consultation.  It should be realised that the current operational mandate with which International Development has operated in the last 60 years has some flaws which need to be revisited. 

Why it that at no point in time, has the world is contributed so much to alleviating poverty yet we seem to be in a losing battle.  Somewhere we have to stop and take a step back and examine our systems and processes.  We should be asking the question, ‘What is it that we are doing wrong with our International Development Strategy?’

Part of this reflection should also realise that there has been a birth of small charities and humanitarian organisations often set up by immigrants or the Diaspora.  They sometimes have a better reach into areas where the larger organisations do not as well as work on shoestring budgets with better energy and motivation.  Of course they will need to be guided in order to become more professional and to avoid pitfalls of bad governance.  This hand holding needs to take place at all levels...  Hence rather than giving to the UN, DFID should work with smaller organisations to mentor and lead them towards delivering on standards and many of the larger organisations need to come to terms with working with existing systems rather than trying to change them. 

Initially published in The News Hub
To remain complacent about the intricacies of the aid world and just continue giving aid and maintaining the status quo will be like putting a band aid on a deep cut.